Bal Harbour

Holiday Edition-Winter 2024

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C O U R T E S Y O F W H I T M A N FA M I LY A R C H I V E S flashback DECEMBER 4, 1966 MIAMI HERALD AD A woman dressed in a red velvet gown and wearing long black opera gloves swings from the sky above Bal Harbour Shops, celebrating what was soon to be called "Fifth Avenue by the Sea" with "one fine store after another." Founder Stanley Whitman wanted the Shops to feel as exclusive as a private club, raising the bar each new year. He succeeded by cultivating a luxurious, tropical ambience with palm trees and koi ponds, and maintaining the highest levels of control over the shopping experience. It was no understatement to say, "It's a Happening," as the ad put it so memorably. BALHAR B O U RSH O P S .CO M

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